
Harvest Creek offers two programs fitting a broad spectrum of author needs:

Our AUTHOR SERVICES PROGRAM fills in the gaps when a self-published writer needs assistance with specific tasks. For example, they may need to obtain a registered ISBN, require professional cover design, or seek assistance with content, line, or mechanical edits. Our Author Services package offers what is necessary to finish and upload your book to numerous online booksellers. The author retains all rights to the manuscript and receives 100% of the royalties earned from sales.

The program also includes conversion to e-book and audio, as the market dictates. Author Services works well for writers who sell their books online, through their website, or directly to readers through speaking engagements, conferences, tours, etc.


With our HYBRID PUBLISHING PROGRAM, you get complete turnkey publishing and distribution into brick-and-mortar stores. This program works through a submission process, and the author and publisher share the costs to publish, as well as the royalties earned. We offer one of the highest royalty rates in the industry!

In contrast to the usual seven-year, more comprehensive hybrid contracts used in this industry, ours is different. There is a limited license conveyance of rights of the intellectual property for a three-year renewable period. The author always remains the sole owner of the copyright.

Our hybrid publishing partners usually boast a bigger audience and established readership. Many clients started with Author Services, later upgrading to a hybrid program for broader reach after their book’s success.

We provide our authors with avenues to feature their books, including bookstores, online retailers, libraries, and academic institutions. Note: Print-on-demand hardcover books are ineligible for some programs. We perform an in-depth analysis of a book’s theme and market to ensure optimal BISAC placement into the correct categories. Keyword analysis improves your book’s online visibility.

Having trouble choosing the right program? We help authors determine their ideal readers and the most effective way to connect with them. That decision helps steer our authors into the right program to best meet those needs.

Having second thoughts about your manuscript’s readiness? For years, we’ve seen writers with excellent ideas but limited writing proficiency. Many of our clients provide us with unstructured data, which we affectionately call “data dumps.” Our highly-trained team can help make sense of your story. As a conservative Christian book publisher, our services have helped numerous authors bring their books—good books—to life. 

Needing your book translated into another language? Let us help. To reach clients with readers in France, Spain, and Poland, we’ve translated a few of our titles into those languages. Our goal, as a conservative Christian book publisher, is to help our authors reach a global audience.

Desiring a more professional-looking book? As one of the prominent conservative Christian book publishers, we adhere to all industry best practices. Harvest Creek provides authors with  modern, professionally designed covers and interior formatting that meets retail standards—such as running heads, chapter graphics, and correct line spacing. Instead of readily available fonts, we opt for licensed graphics and fonts. And your book’s theme inspires the tailored creation of our interior templates.