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When should I contact Harvest Creek? What if I haven’t finished my manuscript yet?

Don’t hesitate to contact us at your convenience. It’s always advantageous to contact us early so we can assist with your project plan. At Harvest Creek, we believe a book launch begins the day you begin writing. Don’t wait until it is complete before you promote your book—start now! We assist clients with their marketing plans well before their books are published.


How long does it take to publish my book?

Harvest Creek utilizes an “airport runway” procedure to manage book workflows. Your book will follow through three (3) stages: Preparation, Production, and Presentation, with each step taking between four and six weeks. A completed manuscript, upon signing, typically means a five-to-six-month production time. During the initial meeting, you will learn more about our unique process.


Will my book be sold in Big Box retail bookstores and airport bookstores?

It’s the ultimate dream of every author: To walk into the local chain bookstore and see their book proudly displayed on the shelves. What an exciting prospect! But that isn’t always the best option. Our team evaluates the potential readership for each book we oversee. We set our authors up for success by using the best distribution method for their project.

Since retail distribution can involve returns, we want to prevent authors from bearing the cost of unsold, returned books years later. These days, most people buy books online. And for many of our authors, direct-to-consumer and online sales generate more revenue than traditional brick-and-mortar distribution.

We will collaborate with our authors for a complete assessment of your goals in writing the book and your target market.


How do I make the New York Times Bestseller list?

A book’s success is often measured by its appearance on the New York Times Bestseller list, considered the publishing industry’s “Holy Grail”. And even if your book only makes the list for one week, it can be called a NYT Bestseller for life, which no doubt increases sales thereafter. But to be frank, distribution is a prerequisite for consideration of your book for this coveted title.

The NYT list is compiled from two factors: 1) Weekly retail sales statistics and 2) a vote from a committee of publishing representatives. Books on this list typically sell over 5,000 books in one week (through retail outlets). Without distribution in national bookstores, along with significant promotion of the book, it won’t be considered for the NYT list. Since some independent bookstores aren’t in the national reporting system, your book sales might not be included in the calculations. This list only includes printed books; e-books are not counted.

Making the list is a tremendous honor, but there are other ways to generate a buzz about your book. There are other lists that help generate conversation about books, besides the NYT. Getting ranked on those sites can significantly boost interest in your book.

For example, how about reaching #1 as a NEW RELEASE or even BESTSELLER status on Amazon, the world’s largest bookstore (with 65% market share)? Many of our clients have hit Amazon sales targets, selling thousands and even tens of thousands of books. Earning these sales ranks triggers Amazon’s algorithm to promote your book even further to potential readers. Additionally, we assist authors in securing online and print media reviews for their books. Nationally recognized review sites help most people decide if a book is worth buying.

We also help authors qualify for reputable writing contests and awards. A writing award displayed prominently on your book cover can definitely attract new readers. And it gives you credibility as an author. Book awards generate media attention, influence reviewers, and support marketing efforts.

You can trust Harvest Creek to optimally position your book for maximum success. When you look good, we look good!


Will writing a book make me famous?

People frequently hear about authors who are paid millions upfront for their books. They think that by publishing a book themselves, they are going to become rich and famous. But a book generally comes after something, not before.

Make no mistake: We’re dedicated to giving your book the best possible chance of success. But keep in mind that these authors usually boast cult followings in the hundreds of thousands. And their reputation wasn’t built from writing a book. Their previous ministry or career had already put them in the spotlight. The book followed after that.

Harvest Creek authors do what they do, and they do it well. Their book will only further support that.


How many books will I sell?

Answering that question is complicated. A past lawsuit filed against one of the top five traditional publishers uncovered low sales numbers for many individual books. On average, bookstores sold 300 copies of each book over its lifetime.

Wait a minute! What allows a national chain to remain in business with such minimal book sales per title? Well naturally, these stores also stock the best-selling books, which sell millions and compensate for any losses. But an author who invests time and money in writing a book might be disappointed to only sell a few copies.

We assist our authors in addressing the crucial question: “What is the goal or purpose of your book?” True author success is based on the impact of your book, not necessarily on the numbers. Does selling 1500 copies with 1450 five-star reviews make you less successful than selling 10000 copies with only 100 five-star reviews? One of our authors gives more books away than he sells. And his online reviews are high. Would he be considered less successful?

Let’s work together to set reasonable goals and hit (or exceed) each one!


Will my manuscript be drastically changed if I go with a publisher?

We are committed to maintaining the author’s voice during editing. Spelling and grammar are the usual areas for changes. Significant changes to the narrative are made only with the author’s permission and following an assessment of the impact on the book’s content.


Do I have to use your editor, or may I use my own? Or may I skip the editing process altogether?

As a conservative Christian book publisher, our goal is to deliver the best work product. Our team of highly trained editors is here to help. Some writers use AI software to ensure their writing is both accurate and readable. Yet, nothing beats a good, thorough review from a human. One of our clients confidently declared their manuscript “ready to go” after using various computer programs for error correction. But, after our comprehensive review, over 800 additional errors were discovered (including spelling and grammar)!

We’ve had authors ask if they can be their own book editor. The human brain has the exceptional capability to auto-correct errors when reading. When you anticipate words to read a certain way, it’s easy to overlook things. We highly recommend that a fresh set of eyes is used for editing and proofreading.

Your pre-existing relationship with a professional editor will always be considered during the manuscript review. Let’s work together to ensure you’re equipped with the best team (in-house or external) to assist with your project.


Do you accept any book?

Just as other professionals have their specialties, Harvest Creek Publishing does, as well. Being one of the leaders in the conservative Christian book publishing space, we know our lane and try to stay in it.

Years ago, an author contacted us about publishing a book series. When questioned about the genre, the author defined his writing as “Christian Porn.” [I know what you’re thinking because we thought it as well. Can those two words even be used in the same sentence?!]

Shakespeare famously advised, “To thine own self be true.” Harvest Creek creates intellectually engaging and visually beautiful books for adults, teens, and children. Unfortunately, we cannot provide assistance with books that fall outside conservative Christian book publishing.