How it Works

Professionalism matters! Books created through self-publishing, independent, or even hybrid presses are often criticized for their unprofessional appearance. There is an industry bias because these books lack polished covers, stylish graphics, or consistent layouts. However, at Harvest Creek, we follow the Industry Standards Checklist for a Professionally Published Book.
The checklist, developed with the help of industry experts, ensures fair competition between indie publishers and traditional publishing firms. This provides a structured way to assess a book’s merit and quality, independent of the method used to produce it. The Industry Checklist helps readers assess the book objectively, bridging the gap between traditional and independently published works.
Additionally, if a book looks “dated” then readers might assume that the information contained within is also irrelevant. Thus, it’s vital to stay informed about the latest industry trends and styles, as these can change. Authors’ names in extra-large lettering are trending now. That trend might be passé within a few years. At Harvest Creek, your book’s visual and stylistic quality will rival any other on the market.
Years after self-publishing, a missionary couple requested Harvest Creek’s help to update their book. Since green was one of their ministry’s colors, they wished to stay within that color scheme. However, they were open to any other changes we suggested.
The book’s presentation, with its outdated version of green and plain fonts, felt trapped in the past and didn’t do the book itself justice. The book’s cover didn’t live up to its exciting title, “Wow”. By simply updating the fonts and improving the title’s presentation, our company gave the book a new look, changing the size and colors but not the content.
People do judge books by their covers. Our graphics team is skilled in creating eye-catching covers that resonate with readers by understanding the nuances of relevant design. Happily, for this author, the second edition significantly outsold the first and performed well compared to its competitors.


Books often come AFTER something and not BEFORE. To put it another way, you’re likely already a successful professional, minister, or expert in your field before getting published. And that means your words are there to support what you do (or have done) and not the other way around. Maintaining consistency in your manuscript builds your brand, letting readers recognize your vision and purpose. The book will give you the credibility and recognition you deserve. We help authors discover the common thread between their work and their writing using our initial Author Questionnaire. This assists our authors in addressing the question, “What distinguishes my book?”
The Author Questionnaire also helps you, as an author, pinpoint your competition. As a conservative Christian book publisher, we ensure that our clients have the best advantage when compared to other books in the same genre or category. Keep in mind: your book will compete for attention with similar titles on shelves and lists. Harvest Creek helps authors determine what sets their books apart.
Many writers claim their book’s appeal is for everyone. In response, Teresa asserts that books attempting to please everyone ultimately please no one. Her point is that your book will appeal to a certain reader. Focus primarily on that audience.
Of course, there will be some overflow. But it’s often pointless to try and reach those who won’t be interested in your book. We’re conservative Christian book publishers who help writers stay focused and experience God’s blessings in the result!